Tag Archives: World Snake Day

World Snake Day…And Me Without My Pungi*

Guarding the trash

I find is fascinating how coincidences just seem to automatically happen to me. Today I was headed out to put some cans and bottles into the recycling bin when I was startled by a visitor lounging atop my trash can.

closer look

Although this black racer snake is harmless in that it is of the non-venomous variety, I immediately called Jorja, my English Setter girl and put her inside since I wanted to take some photos and I knew she’d scare my sleek friend away. I did my photo shoot and took a video with my phone.

oh good. He’s into recycling too!

Excited by my encounter I posted the video to Twitter and alerted my good friend Cindy. I was actually kinda proud because she had posted a video of a spider who was doing laps around her lampshade just the day before and I was pleased to have an “action” post of my own.

A bit later in the day Cindy alerted me to the fact that it is actually World Snake Day. Seems there is a day for everything. But how coincidental is it that my buddy showed up on this particular day?

He was maneuvering around the mess on the patio

I’ve written about black racers a couple of times in the past highlighting in one article that they are cannibalistic after watching an encounter with my very own eyes].

climbing the walls

This one seemed intent on catching the exotic brown anoles along the brick skirting around the house. That is encouraging because those exotics take habitat away from our native anoles. Then it started to climb up the side of the house and I thought that was a pretty good idea since (s)he seemed to want to crawl behind the shutters where I know the invasive Cuban tree frogs lurk during daylight. Nothing I like more than my native friends keeping pesky invaders in check.

He did his best imitation of a venomous cottonmouth by flattening his head

The racer did slither along the fence providing more great entertainment and making for a really happy World Snake Day. Hope you enjoyed yours as well.

* Pungi is a wind instrument played by snake charmers on the Indian subcontinent.